The time has come to put up the Evil Hound's swimming pool. Two of my three
dearly love water. They jump in it, run in it, lap it up, lay down in it, and one
even will dive for things in it.
But, all good things must come to an end so the puppy pool has been emptied
and put up for the year.
Caleb of course (he's the third, the one who's not a fan of water at all) is
pleased. He'd rather never get his paws wet or dirty and looks at his house
siblings like they've gone mad every time they splash around in that *shudder*
Also, I'll soon be announcing my fall mini sessions. Short, fun, and full of color!!
dearly love water. They jump in it, run in it, lap it up, lay down in it, and one
even will dive for things in it.
But, all good things must come to an end so the puppy pool has been emptied
and put up for the year.
Caleb of course (he's the third, the one who's not a fan of water at all) is
pleased. He'd rather never get his paws wet or dirty and looks at his house
siblings like they've gone mad every time they splash around in that *shudder*
Also, I'll soon be announcing my fall mini sessions. Short, fun, and full of color!!