I know this seems odd since I actually shoot with a digital camera but I hope to explain myself.
Back in the time of film every shot had to be anticipated and thought through. The film sent off, the negatives viewed with much anticipation and then prints ordered. I go through this process myself every time I run a roll through one of my film cameras. I adore the romanticism of it.
These days with digital the thought seems to be that there is no effort involved and why bother printing because you can ‘buy the disc’. Somehow it has gone from art to some sort of instant gratification production.
This does both the photographer and the client a great disservice. How many of you, photographers and consumers alike have discs or hard drives filled with photos that have never gone farther then your Facebook page? Are your walls at home empty or filled with another persons ‘art’?
Why is this?
In ten years will you even be able to use the disc of images? Yes? Well what about that floppy disc from the 90’s, never really thought those would go obsolete did you.
But, if you pull out the old family albums that your grandparents and parents put together you can once again fall back into the memories they inspire. The feel and look of physical prints, it does give the experience that little bit extra.
If you pay for photography the least you can do for yourself is order prints of some sort. Don’t leave your images wasting away on a disc or on the computer. Get them on your walls, bask in the memories, and show off the awesome subjects.
I am not in any way suggesting you get the disc and go print them at Wal-Mart. There is a reason pro photographers use pro labs, and it’s not so we can charge more. There is a significant difference.
In quality, colors, durability.
We work with our labs to make sure your products are spot on and of the highest quality. We stand behind our work and are always here for future questions or concerns.
This doesn’t happen when you ‘just get the disc’.
So next time you are considering photos of that adorable newborn, your beautiful family, or your four legged friends do your research.
Decide what kind of prints you want for your walls, find a photographer that offers them and has training and passion invested in their business and make it happen.
You are worth it. Your subjects are worth it. And live with a bit of anticipation while those prints are on their way.